Sunday, January 25, 2015

My Escape

I've been told that first impressions are everything. It's the beginning of judgements and assumptions, which is exactly why I hate them. I am definitely a major wreck and work-in-progress but one of my few good qualities is that I try to see the best in people. I know that teachers and parents have drilled this into our brains since we've been able to talk, but in reality who actually does it? And I think that sometimes those teachers or parents forget to tell us that we need to keep looking for the best in people, no matter what they may have done or said. I do not intend for this blog to sound preachy at all, because that is not at all why I am here.

I am here to voice my mind for my OWN benefit

I do NOT care at all if you don't like what I say or do. I do not care if you completely disagree with me on something. And you know what I have learned recently?

It's ok to be different

This blog is my therapy, my refuge from this crazy world. It's my chance to finally speak my mind because I feel like my whole life all I've done is kept my true self from everyone. So far, I've kept my deepest thoughts and feelings in the corner of the universe, far away from anything that might expose them.

But now I am ready to use this blog to rediscover those lost parts of me that make up who I really am. Not the doll that I am now who is allowing herself to be maneuvered and controlled.

However it's going to be a long process. Once you've allowed yourself to be submerged under the filth of the world it's hard to come out again. But not impossible. And I am a believer.

I am a go-getter
I am real
I am a learner
I am funny
I am a pink-loving girl who loves to dress up
I am a dreamer

I AM A PERSON not your robot

I hope that one day I will be able to let myself escape the world not just on this blog but also in my everyday life. But I am not ready for that. Not yet at least.

World, get ready for me because I am on my way to unleashing my real self. And whether your ready for me or not, here I come.