Sunday, February 8, 2015

How to Survive High School

 funny pictures,auto,unhelpful high school teacher,Lazy College Senior,talking

  • Bring a pencil. Sometimes teachers are allergic to pens. Especially in math class.
  • Be "On Time" (we all know that has several meanings for each class)
  • Make friends
  • Perfect your procrastination
  • Learn the limitations of your teachers
  • Have common sense. Please. Is that too much to ask? probably...
  • Occasionally do some homework
  • Be happy with 7 hours of sleep
  • Sign up for dozens of clubs that you put on your applications as participating in but actually never went to any of the meetings (or maybe just the ones where they serve treats)
  • Laugh. Out. Loud.
  • Learn to sleep with your eyes open
  • Wear clothes
  • Do not eat at McDonald's every lunch. Cause I mean it's not THAT good.

One Step at a Time

Babies are more human than a lot of adults.
They may not be able to talk
Feed themselves
And all those things but they
Know how to learn. They welcome mistakes as a chance to
Grow and Learn. They
Observe the world with wonder and are willing to
Explore for themselves.
Rules are foreign to them and
Experimentation is acceptable and expected. And their
Determination astounds me. How many
Times did they try to get their feet to cooperate and propel them forward?
Did they stop when they fell the first time?


If babies were like most adults today then we would be a society that
could never walk. Babies, believe it or not, are an
Inspiration to the world. 

Why don't we follow their example?

Society will turn us into Robots
Unless we stop them. So
Learn to defer from society and be human.

At least try it for a day and see what you think.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Embrace the Sun

 The Sun is my inspiration. It motivates me to wake up and make the most of my day. This probably explains why it's so hard for me to wake up on school days: I mean seriously I can't even see the sun before I start school? When the alarm goes off each morning, I look out the window and see darkness. How is that suppose to motivate me to go to class? And I only have one class that has a window looking outside. And then I come home and stay indoors all day because my teachers insist that doing hours of homework will "benefit" me. That's insane. I'm missing out on my opportunities to embrace the sun. That's the best therapy, at least for me.

Embrace the sun
Let it's light fill me soul
Sun, help me see the good in this world

The Beatles said it best when they said "Here comes the Sun". Because when I let its rays absorb me, I let myself live life to the fullest.

Where is She?

Where is she?

Did I abandon her?

Even if I tried, I don't remember when she disappeared: that's how lost I've been. She never did me any wrong. Actually, all she did was foster my best self. We would play house with my friends at recess and I would always use my imagination. Wow, it's been awhile since I've even thought about imagination. I guess she took that with her when she left....along with so many other things.

She is me. Well, was me. She is my inner child that looks at a backyard and sees a tropical forest that no one has explored before. She looks at the stairs inside my home and envisions herself climbing up Mount Everest. When she's riding a bike, she is actually flying through the fluffy clouds made up of cotton candy. Her favorite clouds were always the pink ones.

When I was 8, I could not even imagine life without her. But now I'm a senior and she's hiding. How did I get to the point where I think that I don't need her anymore? I mean, I'm about to go off into the adult world where I'll probably get brainwashed. This is when I need her the most.

This post is for her. It's a plead for her to come back and help me learn to be creative again. To help me see the world for more than what's actually right there.

Please come back. I miss you.