Sunday, February 8, 2015

One Step at a Time

Babies are more human than a lot of adults.
They may not be able to talk
Feed themselves
And all those things but they
Know how to learn. They welcome mistakes as a chance to
Grow and Learn. They
Observe the world with wonder and are willing to
Explore for themselves.
Rules are foreign to them and
Experimentation is acceptable and expected. And their
Determination astounds me. How many
Times did they try to get their feet to cooperate and propel them forward?
Did they stop when they fell the first time?


If babies were like most adults today then we would be a society that
could never walk. Babies, believe it or not, are an
Inspiration to the world. 

Why don't we follow their example?

Society will turn us into Robots
Unless we stop them. So
Learn to defer from society and be human.

At least try it for a day and see what you think.

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