Sunday, March 8, 2015

When life gets in a pickle

When life gets in a pickle
and nothing seems to go right

When your late to class for many times has it been?
And your attendance school numbers keep rising

When you feel like hell
because you don't know if you have any true friends

When it sucks to go home
because there's too many problems your family has

When teachers just don't get it
that I can't remember everything or do it all

When it seems better to leave
than to endure another day here

Remember the sunsets
And sunrises

Remember the mountains that have yet to be climbed 
And the view at the top that awaits for your eyes to see 

Remember the times where you could not stop laughing
and your stomach hurt so much afterwards
and hope for some more times like this in the future

Remember when your friends or family gave you a hug
when words were not enough


And hope that in the future there will be more to Remember


  1. Hope is inexpressible valuable. which makes this post priceless. Thank you.

  2. That last line and the whole thing I just loved it cause I kind of feel like my life's in a pickle

  3. Good reminder about the good things in life. I needed this.

  4. "Remember when your friends or family gave you a hug
    when words were not enough"

    This is absolutely beautiful. Wow.
